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Our aim is to help you feel at ease from the moment you arrive.

Warm Up on the Beach
The Intake

​Allow us to get to know you, and your goals.  We will ask you questions about your current complaint along with other aspects of your lifestyle and health history to understand the root of your symptoms.


The Exam

We will then work through a detailed examination by looking at your movement patterns, joint range of motion and muscle balance to determine the root cause of your discomfort. 

The Treatment

Next we expertly craft treatments to address the imbalances we find using a combination of healing techniques:


Traditional Acupuncture and Moxa

Orthopedic Acupuncture - Dry needling 

Elecro - Acupuncture

Orthopedic Bodywork

Frequency Specific Microcurrent 


Gua Sha

Female hiker in the mountains
The Plan

You will leave your first session with a clear plan forward

We create your treatment plan to achieve optimal results. We give you a clear idea of how many sessions are recommended, along with some rehab exercises, diet and lifestyle recommendations and a realistic assessment of how we can help you.



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